Want to see rugged AI GPGPU in action?
Check out our expanding line of rugged AI GPGPU-based boards and systems
Aitech’s rugged AI GPGPU product line offers the most advanced solutions for video and signal processing as well as accelerated deep-learning for the next generation of autonomous vehicles, surveillance and targeting systems, EW systems, and many other leading-edge applications, such as UAVs, drones, robotics, smart soldier and man portable systems.
With several AI-based SWaP-optimized supercomputers offering an ultra-compact footprint, roughly the size of a cell phone, unmanned systems can achieve incredibly high performance with remarkable levels of energy efficiency.

Have a use for rugged GPGPU technology?
Check out this whitepaper on how parallel computing architecture can help in rugged military applications.
Download Whitepaper

19756 Prairie Street,
Chatsworth, CA 91311
(818) 700-2000

Embedded World—February 22-25 Nuremberg
Going to Embedded World? Stop by Stand 2-309 to talk GPGPU with industry experts.