About Saga

SAGA product line is a suite of applications for police, firefighters, airports, ambulances and the rivate sector. 

Fully Service Oriented (SOA), SAGA is based on Visual Studio.Net and workstations are either WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) for fix devices, and HTML5 Internet et mobile clients: tablets and Smartphones (Windows, iOS, Android, et Blackberry).

contact us

Route de Cossonay 194
CH-1020 Renens

+41 (0) 21 785 02 80

SAGA CRISIS is a solution for :
•    State Departments
•    Police 
•    Fire Brigade 
•    Ambulance Departments
•    Airports
•    Private Companies
•    Army
•    Smart Cities

SAGA CRISIS is a multi service solution, which combines actions from different departments under a common control.
SAGA CRISIS is based on:
•    A Message Module
•    A Workflow
•    A GIS
•    A set of Dashboards

For example, SAGA CRISIS is in use by a Swiss Civil and Military Security Department and by French National Police. 

SAGA Crisis can be used for a stand-alone service or for a multi-service organisation SAGA CRISIS can be on top of Microsoft Windows Server and SQL Server, as well as Open Source PostgreSQL and LINUX.

On workstation side, Multi-Screen Full WEB workstations and Mobile Workstations are based on ANGULAR JS.

Mobile Workstations are on top of iOS or Android

SAGA CRISIS has a set of free defined Dashboards which can be displayed on Image Walls, workstations and Tablets.

SAGA CRISIS is tightly interfaced with GIS, customer can use ESRI, GeoServer and Open Layer, Bing, Google Maps or even several of them at the same time on the same screen.

SAGA CRISIS supports all languages, including Latin, Cyrillic, Chinese and Arabic. Translation can be done inside the application screens.

SAGA CRISIS can be installed On Premises as well as in Public or Private Cloud.

SAGA MOBILE is companion module of


It is operational on Smartphones and Tablets. 
Supported OS are:
•    iOS
•    Android
•    Special secured OS derived from Android, like Secdroid
•    Windows Phone and Blackberry on request

SAGA Mobile is a real mobile workstation, it is individually notified, like a workstation inside the Control Room.

User interface is specially tailored to take advantage of screen size.
SAGA Mobile has:
•    Incident Management Module
•    Bidirectional GIS integration
•    Waze, Tom Tom or Sygic interface
•    Camera for pictures and film
•    Inbuilt chat with other patrols
•    Automatic status control

SAGA Mobile is able to send pictures and film to Control Room and able to receive them as well, they are automatically inserted inside the ongoing incident.
SAGA Mobile is able to display Dashboards from SAGA Command & Control and/or from SAGA CRISIS 

SAGA Mobile is able to take advantage from 3G, 4G and soon 5G.

SAGA MOBILISATION is Mass Mobilisation Tool. It is able to mobilize hundreds or even thousands resources in a very short time.

SAGA MOBILISATION is interfaced with:
•    PABX, IPBX in SIP mode or in dedicated interface
•    SMS
•    Pagers
•    Fax (for reporting)
•    Mail (for reporting)
•    Voice Mail

SAGA MOBILISATION supports Speech to Text and Text to Speech
SAGA MOBILISATION is multi language

SAGA MOBILISATION can be a stand-alone solution, or an additional module to SAGA COMMAND & CONTROL and/or SAGA CRISIS

SAGA PLANNING is a Major Event Planning Tool.

It is an additional module to SAGA COMMAND & CONTROL.

SAGA PLANNING has been selected by City of Paris. It is used to plan big events, like for instance: Tour de France arrival, National Festival, Paris Marathon, and Special events.

SAGA PLANNING is able to store models, which can be reused for a next big event.

Every step planned in SAGA PLANNING will act with SAGA COMMAND & CONTROL, when a planned task reach its time SAGA PLANNING is a starter for SAGA COMMAND & CONTROL, which will dispatch the foreseen resources according to the plan.

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