Worldwide Rapid Tank Repair Support & Services
Flat Rate Pricing To Fit Your Bottom Line
Sunaero offers rapid repair services from all around the globe to respond to the needs of their customers fleets. With hub locations in Asia, Europe and The United States Sunaero teams are available to respond to urgent or scheduled requests ranging from spot repair rapid curing to tank diving. Sunaero elite teams of experienced mechanics and engineers are on-call 24 hours 7 days a week; no job is too big or too small.
Sunaero has developed a flat rate pricing structure for its on-wing service range for leak localization, fuel-free tank test or rapid sealant cure. In the 21th century air forces expectation is for higher aircraft availability rate, leading to a stronger request for fast and perfect quality tank repair support and service at minimized cost. Many tank or structural tasks can be standardized into a flat rate pricing structure; the benefit being that you will know what to expect and be able to budget for common and recurring repairs.
Sunaero Europe, Middle East & Africa
ZI Lyon Nord, 70 Rue Ampère
69730 Genay, France
+33 (0)4 72 08 12 12
Sunaero Americas/Aerowing
5217 Linbar Dr. Suite 303,
Nashville, TN 37211
+1 (615) 242-3833
Contact Us
24/7 AOG: +1 (855) 325-3835
Sunaero helium leak detectors accurately locate the origin point of leaks from inside the fuel tank. They can also be used to verify any systems that have to be leak tested.
Our ergonimic desealing tools improve sealant and adhesive removal efficiency and ensure
no metal or composite structural harm.
Our patented infrared emitters cure sealants, paints and resins 10 – 40 times faster, even from inside hazardous environments.
We perform a helium dry test to ensure leak free fueling at the end of the repair. Go/ No Go can be achieved..