who is simulinc?
We are consultants to the Australian Department of Defence, New Zealand Defence Force and the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority on flight simulator standards.
Simulinc has also been approved by the Australian Civil Aviation Safety Authority and by the Royal Australian Air Force to conduct flight simulator accreditations.
The Australian, New Zealand, Brazilian and Malaysian regulatory authorities send inspectors to Simulinc to be trained to evaluate flight simulators. In addition members of many National Defence Forces have also attended this training such is it’s excellent reputation.
Simulinc staff have experience with flight simulators and flight simulator standards going back over 30 years.
Simulinc, has over 20 years experience with flight simulator evaluations. Simulinc conducts regular Simulator Evaluation (SIMEVAL) courses. These courses are Internationally accepted and attract many students. Legislative training is tailored to the group and includes, CASA MOS 60, JAR FSTD, EASA, FAA part 60, TP 9685E. Twice in the last three years Simulinc conducted SIMEVAL training and consultancy activities with Saudi Airlines using FAA Part 60.
We currently offer three established courses:
- Introduction to Flight Simulators is a two-day course intended for persons with limited or no previous exposure to modern flight simulators. (On demand – so contact)
- Flight Simulators for Instructors is a two-day course for persons assigned to instruct in a flight simulator. (on demand so contact)
- Flight Simulator Evaluation is a seven- day course meeting the requirements of the Australian CASA for persons who require formal qualification in simulator testing and evaluation.
Alternatively, we can provide a customised training course on your premises using your simulators, to meet your specific training needs. We would be happy to discuss possibilities with you, obligation-free.
Simulinc has conducted the Initial and Recurrent Evaluations for almost all Australian and New Zealand Military Full Flight Simulators and Flight Training Devices since 1990’s, including both fixed and rotary wing devices.
No other organisation in Australia (including CASA) can claim such a level of experience with Flight Simuator Evaluation legislation or Evaluation activities.
We can review your documentation, provide a written report with recommendations:
- Review of requests for tender
- Review data collection plans
- Evaluate proposed data-set
- Evaluate the proposed ATG/IQTG
- Review flight simulator proof-of-test results
In summary:
- More Initial, Special and Recurrent Evaluation activities than any other organisation in Australia.
- The only organisation to have conducted Initial Evaluations on high performance type aircraft devices.
Experience with:
- Motion Seat equipped devices
- Independent and linked operation
- Specific military type operations, weapon delivery, targetting systems, HUD and NVD.
- All forms of legislation.
We offer general consultancy services for aviation training:
- Monitoring the conduct of the accreditation to safeguard your interests
- Supervising and participating in the testing, as part of the team you provide for the accreditation
- Carrying out the accreditation on behalf of the Regulatory Authority (requires approval of the Regulatory Authority in each specific case).