This month we celebrate issue 100 of Global Defence Technology. Taking a look back through our archive we realised how much the defence world has changed in the eight years since we launched this magazine - and yet how little some things have changed. To mark our milestone, we revisit some of the projects and key themes we covered in our early days to find out how they have come along in the time since.
Of course, issue 100 is also packed with defence technology news and analysis. In this issue, we take a look at the potential of additive manufacturing for military applications, the market outlook for 3D printing, and some of the pioneering projects already using the technology to manufacture equipment for use in the field.
We also check in on Poland’s massive defence modernisation plan, catch up with the UK MOD’s latest £66m project to fast-track military robotic projects to the frontline, speak to Airbus about its involvement in the new Space Hub at this year’s DSEI, and find out about the capabilities of Boeing’s Orca extra-large UUV in development for the US Navy.
Thaks for reading GDT - here's to another 100 editions!
Susanne Hauner, editor